© Dark Skies Studios. All rights reserved. 2023
Initially, we planed for a PFP project where Vampires represent our inner self, the rage, the hate, all those dark thoughts we all have in our heads and hearts; – concentrated in the roles we play every day: The Mother, The Best Friend, The CEO, The X, The Y.
But it needs to be smarter than this. You need to see value in holding, owning, doing, participating. It needs to be social, and it needs to be positive, since 2020 – 2022 brought us pandemics, another war, the energy crisis and so many rugs.
And then, we decided to build a world where people consume people for tokens.
You will play for Title, Status and Position. You will express your greed and rage on the map. In return, you will earn friends and access to a network of likeminded individuals.
Storyteller, Game/DeFi passionate, dedicated to contribute to the Web3.0 revolution. Digital enthusiastic with experience spanning across, Digital Marketing & Advertising, Ecommerce, Process Improvement, RPA, IT&C, Banking and Advertising.